Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Cabin sole glued down, glassing port settee

I ran the sole hatches over the jointer, creating a slight rabbet around the edges to accommodate the thickness of the epoxy and paint coatings that will go on these and the hatch supports.  I don't want them proud of the rest of the sole. 

So they should sit just about right. 

I mixed up a batch of boat fare and fared in the area around the cockpit drain exit in the transom.  For some reason I don't have a picture of that.  I like this fairing compound.  Mix till green.  Smear on.  

 And we're finally ready to glue the sole down. I spread it on both the floors and the bottom of the sole.

I didn't use mechanical fasteners - just epoxy thickened with wood flour. 

 I used a notched trowel to spread it on both the floors and the underside of the sole. 

And there it is, looking just like it did three weeks ago, pretty much.  But this time it's staying. 

I began fairing in the sole to the areas where it runs into the hull.  Phenolic micro balloons mostly in the epoxy mix.  I actually want this to droop and self level. 

 I glassed in the port settee bits and pieces where it meets the hull.  

 Two layers of 1708 on everything, pretty much.

 And sanded and put a second coat fairing the sole in.

 And that's about it.  It was a busy three days.  

 Oh.  I also flew Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, and Wednesday afternoon.  Which takes a bit of time out of the workday - totally worth it.  I had some lovely flights. 

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