Monday, April 19, 2021

Salon Sole Hatches and other items


I started the day with two lovely flights over fields greening and forests just bud breaking. Delightful. Landed on my feet both times, so yay me.  My PPgPS app hasn't been working correctly, so I didn't get a record of my tracks.  Oh well. 

The big work today was for the salon sole hatches.  I cut them out, built frames for them to rest on, and installed the frames.  

I'm a little concerned about the second from the foreground - the jigsaw blade got a bit askew during the cut, so I had to sand the hole and the hatch piece significantly to get the edges back to perpendicular - it may be that the hatch is now too small for the hole.  

I rounded over everything with a 1/8" radius router bit.  It's a tiny roundover, yes, but I don't want a big gap around these to collect more dirt.  It is a sole, after all. 

I also cut the cockpit drain tube flush both inside the cockpit and out on the transom.  

 I slapped a little leftover fairing compound around some gaps in the cockpit side.  Next comes rounding over these edges somehow, and running some glass from inside the tube out over the cockpit and transome.  I'm thinking just two layers of 10 oz glass cloth cut on bias, maybe 3-4 inches into the tube and onto the transom and cockpit liner.  This isn't for strength so much as smoothing the entry and exit nicely.  Make it all pretty kinda.

I also cut the outside  of the head / nav station 45 degree bulkhead angle flush, rounded it some, and glassed it in with a strip of 1708 on each corner.  It's really starting to come together. 

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